Cases Won – OWI & PAC – 1st (BAC 0.20)

Operating While Intoxicated (OWI)-1st  |  Operating With a Prohibited Alcohol Content (PAC)-1st  |  BAC=0.20

Client was stopped by police after they observed him driving his motorcycle 44 miles per hour in a 25 mile per hour zone.  Client failed all 4 field sobriety tests and registered blood alcohol level of 0.20 during the portable breath test (PBT) at the scene.  Client later refused to take the evidentiary chemical test of his breath at the police station.  Client was charged with OWI-1st and an Implied Consent violation, a.k.a. “refusal charge.”


Attorney French persuaded the prosecutor to dismiss the refusal charge and amend the OWI to  failure to Dim Lights and Operating Left of Center, both simple traffic tickets.