
Fought & won
Acquittals, Not Guilty Verdicts, Dismissed Charges & Cases

Cases Won – Felony Aggravated Battery

Client was charged with aggravated battery after an argument at home with his on-again-off-again girlfriend. She claimed he broke her nose when he deliberately “head butted” her during the argument. Thorough investigation yielded several witnesses for the defense who testified…

Cases Won – 4th Offense OWI & PAC

Client arrested and charged with Operating While Intoxicated (OWI) – Fourth Offense. His blood alcohol content level (BAC) was well over 0.20, nearly 3 times the legal limit. He had been seen by witnesses driving back and forth in front…

Cases Won – 1st Offense OWI & PAC

Client was arrested for Operating While Intoxicated (OWI) first offense and Operating with Prohibited Alcohol Content (PAC) first offense. Client had been drinking while fishing with friends earlier that evening. Police claimed Client came to their attention because he had…