How to Stop the DOT from Suspending Your License after a DUI arrest.

Stop DOT License Suspensions
Stop DOT License Suspensions! Call Attorney Sydne French Today!

It may be possible to stop the DOT from suspending your license after you have been arrested for a DUI.  If you have filed the Department of Transportation (DOT) form requesting an “administrative suspension review hearing” before the 10 day deadline, you or your lawyer will have a chance to cross examine the officer who arrested you at an informal hearing held at the DOT. If, after the hearing, the DOT decides to suspend your license, your lawyer may be able to get a court order preventing that suspension.  Continue reading “How to Stop the DOT from Suspending Your License after a DUI arrest.”

Holding Probation Agents Accountable: Delays providing sex offender treatment increase risk to reoffend


I think we can all agree that, generally speaking, failure to promptly provide sex offender treatment (SOT) to convicted sex offenders on probation increases the risk of re-offending.  So why is it that recently convicted sex offenders often go for several months before they receive any SOT?

Continue reading “Holding Probation Agents Accountable: Delays providing sex offender treatment increase risk to reoffend”

Another Article Points to – Too Many Prisoners in US


Too Many Prisoners is yet another article on the failing +prison system in America. I recently posted a blurb on my blog citing to a Frontline article on the very same issue, quoting the same sources.

For more on the Frontline article, visit my blog posting, Frontline Reveals Report Showing “Unprecedented Growth in US Prisons.  Thanks to +Cecelia Klingele for posting a link to the WPR article, Too Many Prisoners.  #prisoners #prisons #prisonpolicies